Community Info: District of Columbia

Washington District of Columbia: Serving as the nation's capital, Washington DC has hundreds of monuments and museums visited daily by thousands of tourists. The most popular attractions include The White House, the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, the Washington Monument, and The Smithsonian Institution.

Washington, DC has a population of 681,170.

The median household income in 2015 was $70,848.

Real Estate
The 2011-2015 homeownership rate was 41.2%.

In 2012, the federal government accounted for 29% of the jobs in Washington, D.C. Tourism is the second largest industry. The District also has growing industries not directly related to government, especially in the areas of education, finance, public policy, and scientific research.

As the nation's capital, there are hundreds of popular monuments and museums to visit. Some of the most popular attractions include the Smithsonian, the White House, the Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, and the Washington Monument.

Associate Broker, Realtor
Samson Properties
8521 Leesburg Pike Ste 300
Tysons, VA 22182
Office: 571-378-1346
Fax: 1866-583-6331
Cell: (703)593-6976