Community Info: Maryland

Maryland: Maryland has been labeled "America in Miniature." Extending from the Atlantic Ocean to the Blue Ridge Mountains, the state can be divided into 4 geographical regions: the Eastern Shore, Central Maryland, Southern Maryland and Western Maryland. You can find water and mountain activities throughout Maryland's 23 counties.

There are 23 counties in Maryland that extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the mountains in the western portion of the state. The state can be divided into five geographical regions, including, the Capital Region, Central Maryland, the Eastern Shore, Southern Maryland and Western Maryland. One of the state's main attractions is the Chesapeake Bay which is 195 miles long in Maryland and 1,726 square miles in area. The Chesapeake varies in width from 3 to 20 miles with two outlets to the Atlantic Ocean. There are 47 operational state parks and 2.7 million acres of forest area.

Over 6 million people live in Maryland according to the US Census Bureau population estimates as of July 1, 2016.

In 2015 the median household income was $74,551.

Real Estate
The state homeownership rate for 2011-2015 was 66.8%.

Maryland's industry clusters are at the forefront of innovation and technology, fueling economic growth and opportunity. The key industries are: Aerospace & Defense, Energy & Sustainability, BioHealth & Life Sciences, IT & Cybersecurity, Military & Federal, and Manufacturing.

The Port of Baltimore serves over 60 ocean carriers making nearly 2,500 annual port visits. The chief exports are coal, corn, soybeans, lignite and coal coke, petroleum, fuel oils and asphalt. Major employers in the state include Bethlehem Steel, Computer Sciences Corp, General Motors, Lockheed Martin, Marriott, McCormick & Co, and Northrop Grumman.

Baltimore's Inner Harbor attracts millions of visitors a year. The Inner Harbor includes the Maryland Science Museum and the National Aquarium. Annapolis is the state's capital and also attracts many tourists. The Western Maryland mountains and the eastern shore's ocean resorts are popular vacation areas.

GRI, Associate Broker, Lic MD, DC & VA
Realty Advantage
2403 Research Blvd
Rockville, MD 20850
Office: 301-881-9800 ext: 557
Cell: 202-320-9074